360˚ Drone Photos

360˚ Drone Photos are a great way to provide an interactive view of your site, premises or location and here at Upshot Photos we can produce them up to an incredible 374 megapixels!

After shooting all the separate frames, we colour correct them and ‘stitch’ them together to produce one huge image which we upload to our gallery.

Then you can share or embed on them your own website or social media accounts — or even just to share them with colleagues via email.

The photos don’t have to be public, they can be set for your own internal use if required.

We can even make multiple views from the different locations at your site so visitors can interact with different areas — see the sample below.

Why should you use panoramic 360˚ Drone Photos?

There are many reasons you might want to use panoramic 360˚ Drone Photos, here’s a few examples:

  • Exhibitions: Provide website visitors with an interactive map of your indoor or outdoor event to familiarise themselves before they attend
  • Stadiums: Give your website and social media visitors an interactive tour of your sports facility from the comfort of their own computer or smart device
  • Tourism: Let people explore your facility or attraction so they can see all you have to offer before they attend